KULT KRIMES — ‘Stove Top Stuffing’ (Music Video)

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KULT KRIMES shocks the senses with visionary music video for track 'Stove Top Stuffing' off 2022 album, GOOD GRIEF. The video serves as not only a visual accompaniment to the track, but as a self-contained short-story depicting a jarring and transformative nomadic journey for the artist. Creative use of ultrawide angles and affluent visual manipulation seamlessly captures the bewildering nature of the track for a truly unique experience. Enjoy.

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Directed by Jon Christopherson & London Van Rooy
Shot & Edited by Jon Christopherson
Additional shots by Max Manning

Set Designs by London Van Rooy & Jon Christopherson
Costume Design by Todd Beaty
Entity Masks by Daniel Ramirez
Additional Costume Design by London Van Rooy
Tarot Card Artwork By Shanley Narens

Released on behalf of TIMEWHEEL & Lefse Records
Distributed by Symphonic Distribution

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