Natural Health enthusiast and founder of Elemental Wellness Studio in Toronto, Giovanni Bartolomeo invites you to enjoy his latest project, Psyched Out, a documentary film centered around the healing effects of plant medicines like Ayahuasca and Psilocybin. Bartolomeo shines light on the healing of three people from completely different walks of life who suffer from a range of ailments, as well as his own explorations into the otherworldly experiences held sacred by this ancient tradition.

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Thanks for watching. Please remember psychedelics are not for everyone and some psychedelics can cause harm taken in the wrong circumstances. Please do your own research and speak with your doctor before taking any substance. We take no responsibility for your actions based on the content of this video.

-Rhythmia Life Advancement Center-

Special Thank You to RYTHMIA Life advancement center. I have been there multiple times and have not only had incredible experiences myself there but have seen remarkable changes in others in a very short period of time. If you are interested in learning more about the programs they offer, click here.

-Support Research-

MAPS – If you are interested in donating and supporting psychedelic research conducted at the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies, you can do so here.

Heffter Research Institute – Another organization conducting amazing research on psychedelics. To find out more and to make a contribution to their efforts, click here.
